The North Huron Board of Education, administration, staff and community want to say thank you to Scott Kasper for his 17.5 years of service on the NH Board of Education. Scott has decided to step away from the board at this time citing personal reasons. He has been on the board since 2006, serving as  board president since 2009. As the board president, he worked with the superintendent to pass two Headlee millage renewals, a technology bond proposal to update district infrastructure and a renovation bond proposal which added the agriscience and natural resources building to our complex, renovated the athletic field and updated the district facilities overall. Behind the scenes, Scott worked with the Port Austin Lions Club to help provide glasses to students in need. He was also instrumental in the district’s forming a trap shooting club last year. Scott deserves a huge thank you for the role he played in these activities and the many other contributions he has made over the years that are not specifically mentioned. We wish him well and hope that we continue to see him at school events supporting students.

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